

Child Care, WeeConnect, and KidsConnect Leaders Needed

From just this fall, we have seen increased registrations from 51 children to over 120, with many new families coming and that is WONDERFUL! It also means we need to reframe how we are doing things because on any given Sunday we have classrooms that are at capacity. That means we need your help. We need more leaders in order to expand into more spaces.

Can YOU fulfill your Baptismal vows in this way? We will train and equip you. We will nurture you and provide the resources that you need... but we need you. All of those children need you. You are 100% guaranteed that these children will bless you beyond measure. What is the time commitment? Childcare volunteers help on an as-needed basis when staff are unavailable or we need to add adults to keep a safe adult/child ratio. WeeConnect and KidsConnect help on a rotating basis, approx. monthly, with a small team of other leaders. If this is not the position that you feel is for you, think about someone you know that might just be perfect to work with our children. Questions or interest in helping? Email Jill Reichert for more info.