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Vision Team Update: Dreams Revealed!!

Over the past nine months we  engaged in three congregational listening sessions,  looking at the past, present and future of Westminster. We  also held many focus group sessions over the summer, including a congregational session on July 29.  The feedback has been prayerfully received, discerned, and accumulated.

With Session’s blessing and approval, we are now ready for the unveiling of our God-sized dreams and initiatives for the next several years. Some of these ideas will be venturing into new arenas of involvement, while some will be building on and expanding our current ministries. All will require our continued focus, support and prayers as we move forward.

Our God-Sized Dreams will be presented individually to the congregation during Sunday worship on the four Sundays in October. Each Sunday the services will focus on a different initiative.

From that point, four teams will be established, and charged with  implementing proposals related to each initiative. We already have volunteers who have expressed their desire to be part of this effort and we are looking for more to join them. Please prayerfully consider where your heart may be calling you.

Please join us each Sunday in October as we unveil the four strategic initiatives, aimed at moving our great faith community into the future with continued strength and vigor.