Wills Emphasis Sunday: Faithful Generations, Future Impact
May 27, 2024Wills Emphasis Sunday
Faithful Generations, Future Impact
Sunday, June 2 in Worship & Fellowship
What things excite you so much that you want them to continue after your lifetime?
Planned giving allows us to do God’s work when we are no longer here to do it ourselves. Though death is a difficult subject, making our intentions known to family and other recipients can bring comfort and clarity to all involved.
Wills are about more than just money. They also make our wishes known about guardianship of children, our health priorities, and end of life care. On Sunday, The Legacy Task Force hosts an informational gathering and fellowship time in Spellman Hall after each worship service. They will have toolkits and materials to help you begin or revise your will and legacy plans. This conversation is for every generation, whether you are in your 20s or 90s.
Each and every one of us is touched by the legacy gifts of those who went before us – now it’s our turn.
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