12/18/22 - Imago Dei Christmas Party!

Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: The Cove

There will be games, there will be dinner, there will be Christmas cookies, there will be merriment, there will be a Christmas movie, there will be...joy in just being together! Everyone who attends should bring a wrapped or bagged gift with the following two items

  1. A weird, wacky, or goofy item of no more than $10
  2. At least one can of hearty soup to be donated to the WC Food Cupboard

We also need a few adults willing to help setup for dinner that evening. We will be ordering food, but will need help picking it up and setting it up in The Cove in time for the Christmas movie at the end of the party. Both youth attendees and parent volunteers can sign up by clicking here!